TPW MARCH MAG PREVIEW: Plan you next Texas getaway with a copy of this ... we have details on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife The February issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine featured twelve months of state park picnic possibilities. Managing Editor Louie Bond says the March issue takes things up a notch. So, we're sort of expanding on that February theme of picnics into a little longer trip, but still, I guess, in the category of mini- vacations -- one or two day trips. We've taken three of our veteran writers and asked them to explore around some of our metropolitan areas and find some quick, cheap trips. And, I know 'cheap' has sort of a bad connotation, but in this day and age, I think it is a word we should reexamine. With gas prices fluctuating, and the economy a little dicey as well, we need to look for some inexpensive ways to have fun. So, these are trips that are just a few elements, like going to visit an arboretum, or hiking around a lake, or visiting an animal refuge. And we throw in a, maybe a stop at a cool restaurant along the way, or little tips here and there on how to expand on your fun. You'll find that there's thirty of these to choose from. And, there are so many things that you can get out and do on a weekend or a day off. Just pick a glorious day and pick a state park, find a cool destination. Cut this out, save it for another day later on, jump in your car and have fun. There are a million ways to enjoy Texas in the spring, and I think we've picked thirty great ones. . . :65 Thanks, Louie. The March issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is on newsstands now. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:65.0 Maximum Script time: 0:20.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25