BLACK BEAR, 2: The adaptable black bear is making a slow comeback in Texas ... details on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife We are beginning to rethink what we know about black bears. While they need a fair amount of real estate in which to live, they are an adaptable species in many ways. They're not the wilderness animal we once thought they were back in the fifties and sixties when [it was thought] they "needed" large expanses of wilderness ... roadless country. :08 Nathan Garner is regional wildlife director for region three in east Texas and contributing author of the East Texas Black Bear Conservation and Management Plan. Bears are very adaptable. We're seeing in the eastern united stated, bears denning under highways and culverts; bears living in barns on farms. Bears living among the suburbs ... So, bears are adapting to the changing landscape in this country where we're having more and more land fragmentation and more development in the countryside. :20 Garner says that where bears exist, they will eventually come into contact with their human neighbors. I think the biggest problem we're going to have in areas where people and bears are living together more closely now, is garbage management, because bears, they think about food most of the time. And, once they develop a taste for human garbage, that can be a potential problem, because bears can then get used to that. That's what we don't want to happen. :17 What you need to know about black bears ... tomorrow. Until then visit where you'll find a link to the East Texas Black Bear Conservation and Management Plan. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:45.0 Maximum Script time: 0:40.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25