TPW TV -- NEIGHBORHOOD FISHING: Some experiences may be out of reach ... [:08 These children may never see ... .near to them.] As near as a neighborhood fishing pond ... details ahead on Passport to Texas PTT from TPW and the Sport Fish Restoration Program Reading isn't the only thing that's fundamental. Fishing is also high on that list. This month the Texas Parks and Wildlife Television series highlights the neighborhood fishing program. Abe Moore produced the segment. We found out doing the story on the neighborhood fishing program that more and more people are moving from the rural areas to the cities. This stories talks about, or goes and visits, some of the city ponds that just got stocked. You know, the program is designed to actually kind of recruit new anglers and get people fishing. We want to provide a perfect outdoor experience -- with fishing being the main point. It's just fun to see all the kids having a great time. And it shows me that it really does help some of the folks that live in the city have a good time close to home. Each child that participates in these types of activities will develop, or have the opportunity to develop, a lifestyle. That's something that they can go back home with and say, 'Momma, daddy -- take me fishing.' For kids from the inner city, specifically, I notice that it brings the out of doors right to their front door. So they get a chance to play in the water, catch something slimy. You know, just get a feel for what nature and the outdoors is all about. :56 Find links to more information at That's out show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:56.0 Maximum Script time: 0:29.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25