NEIGHBORHOOD FISHING, 2: Start a new tradition of fishing in the city ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from TPW and the SFWR Program The Neighborhood Fishin' program from Parks and Wildlife creates fishing opportunities close to home by stocking fish in metropolitan water bodies statewide. As the Texas community is growing, most of the people are concentrating in urban areas, major metropolitan areas. And there was a need to get these people that were in big cities to get in touch with the outdoors. And we believed it was very important to create these opportunities in those areas. :15 Marcos De Jesus is an Inland Fisheries biologist. Americans really love to go out and get in touch with nature through fishing -- it goes back to our roots. And I think there's always a joy when somebody experiences the tug of a fish on a line. It brings back that sense of accomplishment. And, people, once they really get into fishing, enjoy it quite a bit, and get hooked on it pretty often. :18 The program stocks thirteen urban ponds, with more to come -- and you can find a pond near you on the TPW website. It's easy to take advantage of this opportunity. Right now the regular freshwater fishing license suffices for anybody over seventeen years of age; if you're under seventeen years of age, you don't require a license. As for the bag limits, keep five channel catfish and five rainbow trout per day, per angler, and there's no minimum size limit. So whatever you catch you're welcome to keep. And they're going in at a good size, so you'll be happy with what you catch. :22 That's our show ... with support from the SFWR Program ... providing funding for Texas State Fish Hatcheries. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:55.0 Maximum Script time: 0:30.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25