TPW TV -- APRIL: Looking back in time with the Texas Parks and wildlife TV Show ... details ahead on Passport to Texas Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife This month the Texas Parks and Wildlife TV series revisits the past...including the sixties and seventies when Alcoa dumped mercury into the bay on a daily basis. Don Cash is series producer. It's not so much a story about the mercury going into the bay, it's really more a story about how state agencies worked with Alcoa to finally come together and realized that cleaning up the bays is really in the best interest of everyone. Once there's buy in by the company, and they're involved in the restoration, and they see what we're trying to do, that's when they learn to appreciate the environment. Uh, we've got a story on living history, which is a story about Trent Butler, middle schooler from here in Austin, who as a boy scout became interested in the CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps. Trent did a lot of research and actually went to a CCC reunion. How old were you when you joined the CCC? I was nineteen. Nineteen. Seventeen. Seventeen? I was sixteen years old. I joined to feed my family. You know, everybody's like in their nineties and, this must be fun for them, you know. Talking to a young person like me who wants to know their experience, and hear what they heard, you know? And used their stories to help tell the story for his History Day project. The show does spend some time occasionally looking back at where we came from. And, as always, like we say, that helps us know where we are today. :69 Thanks, Don. There's more information at That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:69.0 Maximum Script time: 0:16.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25