DOVE LEASES: Landowners - do you want to make extra money and while supporting a Texas tradition - we'll tell you how on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from TPW and the SFWR Program Attention landowners. Texas Parks and Wildlife's Public Hunting coordinator, Vickie Fite, wants to hear from you. The public hunting program not only offers opportunity for hunters, but we also offer opportunity for landowners to make some extra money to lease their property in short-term leases to the department. If you were to take a triangle and draw it into the middle of the state; starting at Dallas, going down Interstate 45 over to Houston, heading west on I-10 to San Antonio, and then back up to Dallas - that's the area we're targeting. However, if other landowners are interested throughout the state, they should give us a call also to find out about the program. We're looking for properties that are at least fifty acres or larger; usually we like to keep them to less than 400 acres. We like good access to the property, as far as easy to find for the hunter to get out there to the property, water, a food source and cover to attract the birds. When the landowner calls us, we're going to ask a few questions, get their name and their phone number and information about the property. Then we will put them in touch with one of our biologists. The biologist - if the land meets the criteria - will follow up with an inspection and possibly a land lease. :55 Find information about how to participate in the program at That's our show ... made possible by the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:55.0 Maximum Script time: 0:31.0 Suggested show time: 86.0 = 1:26