FATHER'S DAY: This father's day, invite your dad to spend time with Mother Nature ... details on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from TPW and the SFWR Program Father's Day is Sunday, June 21, and Ernie Gammage, with Urban Outdoor Programs, shares a favorite childhood memory of time he spent with his father. One of the things that I remember from my childhood is having the opportunity to fish with my dad. And it's just such a quiet, special time. I mean, I can still visually see everything that we did back then. :10 Make lasting memories with your family. Instead of getting dressed up to go to a Dad Day Dinner at a restaurant, pack a picnic and head to a state park. You know, if I had the chance to go to a movie or go to a theme park with my dad on Father's Day, I believe I would choose going outside because you never know what's going to happen outside. It's the wide open spaces, and a lot of the distractions of the work-day world, family obligations, and so forth are put aside and it's just you and somebody that you love, somebody that you respect. :19 Take time this father's day or any day to spend time outdoors with those who matter most. I think spending time outdoors with your son or your daughter, or whoever it is, is an opportunity, especially for fathers that already spend time in the outdoors, to pass on some of the things they love and value to their kids. :12 That's our show for today ... with support from the SFWR Program...funded by your purchase of fishing and hunting equipment and motorboat fuels. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:41.0 Maximum Script time: 0:44.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25