HUNTING LICENSES: The cost is going up, but it's still less than a dinner out ... we'll explain on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Hunting and fishing licenses go on sale August 15. The best license we have is the Super Combo, which includes all of the hunting tags; the freshwater and saltwater privileges for fishing ... so it's sort of an all-inclusive package. :11 The only other thing a hunter needs is the federal duck stamp, if duck hunting is on the agenda, says Tom Newton, license revenue manager. He adds that license fees have gone up this year across the board. The average recreational license went up from two to five dollars; and of course, the non-residents went up a little bit more than that. But we haven't increased license prices since 2004. :10 Newton says TPW does everything in its power to avoid fee increases; the current adjustment keeps up with inflation. When you consider what you pay for recreational gear, a license, says Newton, is a bargain. The cost of a license, whether it's hunting or fishing, usually is the smallest cost that you have in your activity. A fishing license for example -- freshwater -- is 28 dollars, and it will be going to 30 dollars this year. The price increases that we have implemented this year, have averaged five percent, or just a little over five percent. :19 Licenses are available at 1600 locations statewide or online at the TPW website. That's our show ... made possibly by a grant from the SFWR Program ... funded by your purchase of fishing and hunting equipment and motorboat fuel. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:40.0 Maximum Script time: 0:45.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25