SHELDON LAKE SP: Nature education is the specialty of the house at Sheldon Lake State Park ... on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW and the SFWR Program Robert Comstock can see the Houston Skyline from his office at Sheldon Lake State Park. And yet, I can walk out the back door and go around the corner, and there is a chance that I will see bobcats, 250 different species of birds, coyotes, rabbits, and deer -- there's no telling what. And it's all in Houston's backyard. :12 Superintendant Comstock says the 3-thousand acre park, located in northeast Harris County, is unique among other parks in the system. It's actually one of the few state parks whose main reason is education with recreation as a secondary aspect. :09 Thousands of area school children visit the Sheldon Lake SP each year, and environmental education, including alternative energy, is on the curriculum. [We] have a wind turbine out here generating a one and a half kilowatts of electricity, two solar arrays and geothermal air conditioning, and all our water in our restrooms are heated with solar heaters. And then there's compost and recycling demonstration areas. They can get a well-rounded experience during their stay here. :18 From high tech to high touch--Sheldon Lake SP is restoring 400 acres of native tall grass prairie -- and you can help. Learn how on tomorrow's show. That's our show ... made possible by a grant from the sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program ... working to restore native habitat in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:39.0 Maximum Script time: 0:46.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25