SPORT FISH - INVASIVES: Working together to restore habitat taken over by invasives ... details on Passport to Texas. PTT from TPW and the Sport Fish Restoration Program Nuisance exotic aquatic vegetation is clogging up East Texas reservoirs. Funding provided by the Sport Fish Restoration Program helps to manage the problem. The sport Fish Restoration Program, and specifically boating access money, has been used to clear boat lanes and provide access for anglers and boaters to either their favorite fishing holes, or to areas where they like to water ski, or [participate in] other recreational activities. :14 Timothy Birdsong coordinates the program for Parks and Wildlife. Taxes collected on fishing equipment and motor boat fuel funds the work. We have several different reservoirs where we're working right now. We have a great success story on Lake Conroe, where we've been able to control the vegetation. And now we're using some other pots of available resources to go out and establish native vegetation communities. :15 The Sport Fish program provides funding to agencies as a three to one match. And the success of the program depends on coordinated efforts and strong partnerships. So, the partnership between the anglers, boaters, TPWD, USFWS ... we've also worked with other partners including B.A.S.S., and the Seven Coves Bass Club to go in and do some of this habitat restoration. :14 We learn about the exotic aquatic plant hydrilla tomorrow. That's our show ... with support from the Sport Fish restoration Program ... funded by your purchase of fishing equipment and motor boat fuel. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:43.0 Maximum Script time: 0:42.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25