OURDOOR STORY -- SCOTT HARRIS: A boy and a barracuda on Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories. This is Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories If you don't think fishing makes memories, then you haven't heard Scott Harris of Austin tell his real life fish story of the boy and the barracuda. :64 -- On one of my first deep sea fishing trips with my oldest son, in the gulf, out of Port Aransas, he wouldn't concentrate. He was just playing with his bait, just up under the boat; nowhere near have the 230 or so feet where we were bottom fishing. And I was just about to admonish him to, you know, drop your bait down and see if you can catch a nice snapper. And I was looking at his bait bouncing on the water, just ten or fifteen feet below the boat, and a barracuda longer than him shot up like a lightening bolt and engulfed his bait, and zoomed up in an arc, and jumped and he reeled it in all by his tiny self. And we gaffed it and pulled it on the boat; and all the grown men jumped up on the benches as it was thrashing and gnashing the needle-sharp teeth. And, it was a beautiful fish that's back out there now to give someone else a thrill. And it's a story that comes up every single time we're in a group of people who love to fish. Fishing makes great memories. If you have an outdoor memory you'd like to share, do so at passporttotexas.org. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:64.0 Maximum Script time: 0:21.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25