TPW MAGAZINE -- DECEMBER PREVIEW: Before you do any holiday shopping for your outdoor enthusiast, be sure to pick up a copy of Texas parks and Wildlife magazine ... details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Before you enter holiday shopping abyss -- grab the December issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine and peruse its annual gear guide for the perfect something for your outdoor enthusiast. Editor, Louie Bond. :59 -- And there's something on it for everyone, from the people who are breaking open the piggy banks this year for Christmas, to the one of three people who made money in the stock market this year. I thought back about my childhood, and was inspired by the old Neiman Marcus catalogs, with the wish list -- you could buy everything from a mermaid suit to a dirigible. So, I asked out great gear writer -- Russell Graves -- to come up with, you know a couple of things on the high end; even when times are bad you still need to dream. So, let's say our top item is going to remain a secret, but there are many, many zeros in the price tag. But, of course, we have something for regular folks like me, including stocking stuffers, items for kids. Of course, every years there's the latest in technology -- and we have a few new gadgets, including a personal weather stations and your own personal GPS, and other items like that. There are lots of other products on there that I'm sure that our readers would love to find under the tree this Christmas, and I hope one of them makes its way under your tree, too. Thanks Louie. The December issue of Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine is on newsstands now. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:59.0 Maximum Script time: 0:26.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25