FLY FISHING: Fishing reaches new levels [:08 -- It's all about ... chunking junk (laughter)] Details ahead on Passport to Texas. This is passport to Texas There are those who define fly-fishing as angling for trout in the Northwest US; but not Tink Pinkard. :16 -- In the Hill Country of Texas, and in particular South Texas, there are several rivers and streams that harbor several large populations of smallmouth, largemouth and sun perch. For instance, here in downtown Austin, it's quite possibly the best urban fishery here in the United States. Pinkard, a hunting and fishing guide and avid fly-fisher, considers fly-fishing artful angling. :06 -- You're actually making and forming the flies; so it's a lot more hands on and its more of an art form. Like art, fly-fishing takes time to master. :08 -- It's all about the process of learning to fly-fish instead of just, as we call it, chunking junk (laughter) Pinkard says don't let the process get you down; with perseverance, you will become proficient. :19 -- It's just more patience in the end, and probably more practice to get the technique down. Because, as with any fishing, it's the proper introduction that will get the fish to take your lure -- or your fly, if you will. And with anything, practice makes perfect. So, as you practice more with the fly rod, you start to get the ability that you would have with the commercial tackle. That's our show ... we receive support from the Sport Fish Restoration program ... which funds fisheries research in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:49.0 Maximum Script time: 0:36.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25