ATTRACT BIRDS: Want to attract birds to your yard? It's easy. Learn how ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas [Bird songs] Birding is a year-round activity in Texas that's growing in popularity among all age groups. The wide variety of species found here keeps it interesting. :08 -- Texas is Mecca for birders around the world because we are on the migration flyway for the entire Western hemisphere. Valerie Staats is a birder and past Executive Director of the Travis Audubon Society. She says birds have very simple needs. :04 -- Birds need food, shelter, water, and a place to raise their young. Ms. Staats offers simple ways to entice a wide range of bird life into your backyard and neighborhood. :28 -- In the ideal world if you want to bring birds to your backyard, you're going to have several feeders offering different types of food. Have water available- if anything, that's more important than food. The water alone will bring a lot of birds to the backyard. One thing that people often forget is that the birds need a shelter, and by that I don't mean a home per se, but a way to be protected from their predators while they're enjoying what you're offering in the backyard. Interested in birding? Of course you are! Find everything you need to start birding on the Texas Parks & Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... thank you for joining us ... our show is engineered by Joel Block at the Production Block Studios in Austin. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:40.0 Maximum Script time: 0:45.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25