SP GETAWAY -- CHOKE CANYON SP: Reel in a wide variety of fish and outdoor fun at Choke Canyon SP ... details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas No matter what your outdoor interest, chances are you'll find it at Choke Canyon SP. Bryan Frazier is our guide. :66 -- Choke Canyon state park -- a great place to go in terms of catfish fishing, which turns on a little later in the spring,. Crappie fishing, white bass ... Choke Canyon has just risen in the ranks, if you will, in the fishing world as a place to go to really catch lots of different kinds of fish. But, right now, bass fishermen, that's one of their hot spots to stop and visit on the way. A lot of tournament fishermen show up there. Another thing about Choke Canyon is, it's a complete park from a recreational standpoint. You've got hike and bike trails, you've got a gymnasium, you've got screen shelters that have been enclosed with air conditioning, you've got lots of different facilities. A group facility, fish cleaning stations -- so many different things, depending on what your needs are. Hookups for RVs are good there, with 50 amp service. It's far enough south -- you've got great birding -- even some of the things like the green jays and chachalacas ... and the wildlife viewing is unmatched. Whether you're looking for deer, or turkeys or javalina -- they're oftentimes viewable right from the park road in your vehicle. A great place to take the kids to get them familiar with nature. So,. Choke Canyon is definitely a place I recommend this time of year to people to visit. Find more SP Getaway information on the TPW website. That's our show ... with support from the SFWR Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:66.0 Maximum Script time: 0:19.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25