BIRDING CLASSIC, 1: What is this woman talking about? [:07...anyone can do it ... anywhere in the world.] Find out just head on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Birders of a feather will flock together next month for the annual Great Texas Birding Classic. During this weeklong event, birders from around the globe converge on the Texas coast for fun, and friendly team birding. The area for The Great Texas Birding Classic goes from the Louisiana Border, all the way down to the Mexican border -- in a forty-one county area of the Texas coast. So, it's a very large swath of land, with a lot of different habitat types and a lot of different bird species you can see. :13 Shelly Plante oversees nature tourism for Texas Parks and Wildlife. The Birding Classic donates tens of thousands of dollars each year to avian conservation projects. The top [winning] teams are the ones that get to pick what projects receive all this money. So, we give over fifty-thousand dollars to projects every year, and those winning teams are the ones that get that opportunity. :10 Three different flyways intersect the Texas coast, making that habitat essential to birds as they make their spring and fall migrations. We hold this event to raise some money for that habitat for restoration projects, acquisition projects so that we can ensure that Texas remains a wonderful place for birds to visit year after year. :10 Registration deadline is March 22. The event is April 24 through May 2. Find a link to registration information at For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:33.0 Maximum Script time: 0:52.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25