WILD WOMEN: Learn about a "wild" opportunity for women only ... [:03 wild woman call] ... ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Women in the Wild may sound like an anthropological examination of early human females, but in truth it's a workshop to help women interact with the outdoors in new ways. :08 -- Women in the Wild is a great way for ladies to come out and try things that they otherwise might be intimidated to try, in a third party setting. Game Warden Brandi Reeder organized the event, set for May 1 & 2 in Rockport. :13 -- We have everything from shotguns, BB guns, archery, fishing and fly-fishing, boat operations, Dutch oven cooking, first aide, self-defense. We just have a wide range of activities in which these ladies can come out here and try. Reeder says Women in the Wild participants will learn from the best. :12 -- Including John Martel who does outdoor photography. And then I have Jay Watkins who's a pro guide as well as pro tournament fisherman. I have Chuck Naiser who's going to do my fly-fishing this year; I have an exceptional lineup. The only requirements are that you're a woman and at least 21 years old; otherwise, no experience necessary. :12 -- The more knowledge that you get, the more confident you feel in your own capabilities to do things. Instead of relying on someone else to help you with it, you can do these activities yourself and be confident that even if you don't know it -- you can learn it! We have details about registration and accommodations for the Women in the Wild workshop, at passporttotexas.org. That's our show ... with support from the SFWR Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:45.0 Maximum Script time: 0:40.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25