TPW GETS KUDOS FROM ANGLER: It's always great to hear when you're doing something right ... we share one angler's opinion on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Anglers who reel in and donate ShareLunkers, largemouth bass 13 pounds and heavier, have reason to be proud. Yet, Carl Adkins, who donated ShareLunker number 482, says these fish are the result of hard work. :49 -- I was fortunate enough to put my lure in front of that fish, and that fish bit it. And I was lucky enough to get it in. But in reality, to me, a lot of the credit goes to the Texas Parks and Wildlife, the biologists, inland fisheries division, for having the dream of putting the Florida strains in our lakes and for constantly monitoring them. I mean that fish was probably 12 years old at least. So, it was 12 years worth of hard work by our local biologists monitoring that lake. And over the years they've had to fight to make sure that all the vegetation just wasn't stripped out of there, because it's a popular lake with a lot of homes on it and everything. So, to me, I was fortunate enough to catch it, but that fish would not have been thee for me to catch if it wasn't for the hard work of Texas parks and Wildlife, as far as I'm concerned. Sam Calloway of Corpus Christi reeled in ShareLunker number 500 on Friday, April 9 from O.H. Ivie reservoir. Mr. Calloway received $500 per pound for his 13.34 pound bass. That's our show ... We receive support from the Sport Fish Restoration program ... which provides funding for the TFFC. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:49.0 Maximum Script time: 0:36.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25