OUTDOOR STORIES - PAUL DOCKERY: This San Antonio resident says any time outdoors with family is always memorable ... details on Passport to Texas Outdoor Stories ... This is Passport to Texas outdoor Stories Paul Dockery, from San Antonio, emailed his outdoor story to us through our website: passporttotexas.org. He told us he's an avid outdoorsman and a member of the Christian Outdoor Alliance. He shares his favorite times spent in the outdoors. :41 -- You know, it's not that any one in particular thing happens. It's just the fact that we get to get to get away and spend some quality time together. And we'll be out on God's front porch enjoying the beautiful weather and just enjoying each other. My favorite times in the outdoors are when I get to load up with my wife and the kids. And we'll have an ice chest and some goodies in it, and some folding chairs and a portable grill, and we'll drag our boat out to a riverbank somewhere in the Hill Country. And just spend the day getting by on what we didn't forget to bring. We'll have some fishing rods, and things like that, and probably take the dog with us, and spend the day out enjoying the Hill Country. Visit passportotexas.org and send us your outdoor story. We may invite you to tell it to Passport to Texas listeners, like Paul did. That's our show for today ... Remember: Life's Better Outside ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:41.0 Maximum Script time: 0:44.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25