NEW PARK RESERVATION SYSTEM: A new way to reserve your camp site ... on Passport to Texas This is a Passport to Texas State Park Getaway Planning your next State Park Getaway just got easier thanks to a new reservation and business system that launched last month. Bryan Frazier has details. :63 -- We're proud to really offer what we think is going to be a very helpful solution to a lot of people with a new software system. And it's an integrated software system. It does everything from the business function to making reservations. We think it's really going to help people. And I think what they'll notice at first is the three dollar online camping fee that we've always charged people is going away. That's going to be one of the good benefits -- so maybe it will encourage people to make more online reservations in our state parks. But there will also be some other benefits, like with the state park pass ... people can leave with their pass card instead of having the down time waiting for it to come in the mail; they can use their discount coupons on their first visit. We're revamping the Bluebonnet pass -- the parklands passport for people with disabilities and disable veterans and senior citizens. We're implementing some new gift card concepts in our state parks. So, this new software system should really be something that helps the customer; it is more convenient for the customer, and makes that experience more efficient and better in the long run. We'll have some transition time in the early going in the summer, as we break into this new software system, but we think eventually it will be something that everybody will really like. Thanks Bryan. Find more state park information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:63.0 Maximum Script time: 0:22.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25