RV CAMPING AT STATE PARKS: How to take a vacation and never leave home ... on Passport to Texas This is a Passport to Texas State Park Getaway Recreational vehicles -- better known as RVs -- are like furnished homes on wheels ... and the most popular way to camp in Texas State Parks. Bryan Frazier has details. :61 -- Summer is vacation time for a lot of people. And so, as we get into our busy visitation time in our parks, I want to talk about our available camping options. And the first one is RV sites that we have. RVs still remain one of the most popular ways to visit a park. And it gives people the freedom to come and go as they please with their RV, but it gives them some comforts of home while they're outdoors. So, RVs are just very popular ways to see our parks -- and those are the campsites that typically fill up first in our parks. But we have everything from full hook-up options with water and electricity -- either 30 amp or 50 amp service and sewer hook-ups. And we even have a park or two with full hook-ups with cable TV options available. But then we also have our RV sites that are just water and electricity, and some that are just water only. So, if you have an RV, whether it's a motor home, a trailer, or fifth wheel, most of our parks can accommodate RVs, and we just want to encourage people to get out and enjoy not only the open road, but their camping experience in an RV in a state park. Thanks Bryan. Find more state park information on the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:61.0 Maximum Script time: 0:24.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25