PARK VOLUNTEERS, 2: Volunteers are vital to state parks [:03--. Our volunteers make up about a third of our workforce] ... details on Passport to Texas. Passport to Texas from Texas Parks and Wildlife Texas State Parks rely heavily on volunteers. 07 -- Over the last several years it's been pretty consistent; we clock about six hundred thousand hours of volunteer time. And that's just manual labor, says Lori Reiley, state park volunteer coordinator. Those 600-thousand volunteer hours translate into big savings for state parks. 12 -- That is equivalent in this fiscal year to about a ten million dollar savings in personnel costs. Our volunteers make up about a third of our workforce. So, we really couldn't function as well without them. Volunteers do everything from mowing lawns and scrubbing toilets to taking entrance fees and leading interpretive programs. Reiley says state parks encourage and welcome new volunteers. 16 -- We could always use their help. And while we get the occasional civic organization or nonprofit that wants to volunteer for service projects, we really could always use more individuals just on a regular basis to come out and volunteer in the parks. Find out how you can volunteer at state parks on the Texas parks and Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... we record our series at the Production Block Studios in Austin ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:35.0 Maximum Script time: 0:50.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25