SP IMPROVEMENTS -- BASTROP/BUESCHER: A dynamic Central Texas duo gets redone ... ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Side-by-side, Bastrop and Buescher State parks have delighted outdoors enthusiasts for decades. Over the last two biennia, the legislature increased funding for all parks. Now these neighbors are getting a makeover. Our state park guide, Bryan Frazier, is here to tell us more. 59 -- The cabins and the things that we have there -- they've gotten a lot of use over the years -- and so they've been due for some improvements, and people are going to see renovations to those at Bastrop State Park. And people who've been to Bastrop know how wonderfully historic those cabins are, and they're going to see those become better and improved. The gold course pro shop is getting a new roof. The dining hall and refectory at Buescher State Park is kind of the flagship, and it was built by the CCC, and it's been in need of repair for a couple of years. Several hundred thousand dollars are going to be put into renovating that facility. That's going to be the primary thing there, at Buescher SP -- what's going to be done at the dining hall and refectory. And there are just going to be a lot of upgrades at Bastrop and Buescher State Parks. Some of it's going to be some trails and things that are going to be more ADA compliant. We're going to renovate the bath house and the swimming pool at Bastrop State Park. So, again, we're seeing monies from the previous two bienniums, put on the ground into real improvements and real facilities that people know and love and are going to be able to enjoy even more. Tell us what you like about Bastrop and Buescher State Parks on our Facebook Fan page at Facebook.com/texasparksandwildlife.. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:48.0 Maximum Script time: 0:37.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25