TPW TV -- PARK IT: State parks as outdoor classrooms ... on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Texas State Parks are for relaxation, recreation -- and learning. You'll go tot eh head of the class this month when you watch the TPW PBS TV series. Producer, Alan Fisher. 55 -- Texas parks and Wildlife TV series is going back to school with a re-airing of "Student Parking," a story which follows students and teachers using state parks as outdoor classrooms. Can't learn it all from a textbook; can't learn it all from computer software. My strategy is let the kids see it, let the kids participate, let the kids do it. There are a lot of educational opportunities in state parks from a science perspective or just enjoying the beauty of nature. We follow some students in the Houston area going to Sheldon Lake, and also Galveston island SP, and kind of investigating what lives in the waters around those parks. You catch like a puffer fish or something for the first time, they've never seen it, they really get excited -- they really light up. It really is a stimulating environment for kids, and a good break from the classroom. A lot of learning happens indoors, but there's just almost no limit to what can happen outdoors when kids get in nature and get their hands on things. Thanks Alan. Fins a schedule of shows on the TPW website. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:55.0 Maximum Script time: 0:30.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25