TOF, 1: Reconnect with nature and your family during a Texas Outdoor Family Workshop ... we tell you how on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas A thousand families and counting learned new outdoor skills because they spent a weekend at a Texas Outdoor family workshop. 07 -- It's a very basic concept where no experience is necessary, and we provide all the equipment for families to go camping in a state park. Chris Holmes oversees the program, and says although the equipment families use is on loan, the skills they learn go home with them. 08 -- Our park rangers teach folks how to use a state park, how to camp properly and how to cook in the outdoors, and just have fun for the whole weekend for the whole family. A huge benefit of the Texas Outdoor Family program is seeing family members reconnect with one another. 26 -- We hear instances where the children have just thanked us that their daddy is not using the blackberry, and he's not checking his email, and the fact that they all sat around a campfire -- the first time they've all been together as a family for months. And so, that's one of the wonderful things of parks -- it really charges you physically, spiritually and mentally. Families get together and get to enjoy each other's company, and that's what's really neat about this program. Log onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife website and find a schedule of upcoming TOF workshops happening this fall. In fact there are two on September 11 -- one at Lost maples SP and the other on Galveston Island SP. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:43.0 Maximum Script time: 0:42.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25