WILDLIFE ON HORSEBACK: You can see a lot of wildlife on the trails at Palmetto State Park ... on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas To experience nature and wildlife few things are better than time spent on a hiking trail ... unless you're taking the trail on horseback. Our SP guide, Bryan Frazier explains. 39 -- Part of the plan for a lot of our state parks is to include equestrian trails where possible, and we have several state parks that have them, and are adding on to them. Whether you're talking about Caprock Canyons or Fort Richardson, where you can bring your own mount, or HCSNA -- they've got more than 40 miles or trails. We have several parks where we have outfitters -- you can rent horses there ... like lake Livingston, and Huntsville and BBRSP and Palo Duro Canyon. And so there's lots of different ways to see that. But it's an ever increasing popular thing to see state parks on horseback on one of the many trails that we have -- miles and miles that we have and miles and miles that we're adding on as well. Thanks Bryan. Imagine riding your horse to a nearby lake or river, with your fishing gear in the saddlebag. While your steed grazes nearby, you fish from shore. And if you're at a state park -- fishing is free. Saddle up. That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:31.0 Maximum Script time: 0:54.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25