PLANT INFO DATABASE: Before you buy plants and break ground ... how do you know you're installing the right species for your region? We'll tell you about helpful website, just ahead on Passport to Texas ... This is passport to Texas Fall is the best time to plant trees, woody shrubs and perennials in the landscape. Yet, before you break ground, there are several questions you should have answered: 10 -- Is it drought tolerant? Is it saline-tolerant? Is it alkaline- tolerant? Does it propagate easily? What's it beneficial to? Horses, wild game or other types of livestock, is it pollinated by honeybees? Fire-tolerant? Kathy Boydston is the Coordinator for the Wildlife Habitat Assessment Program at Texas Parks and Wildlife, which is the home of a comprehensive online Texas Plant Information Database. 09 -- Most of them are natives; some of them are what we call naturalized plants. There is a list of 150 attributes for each plant that is in that database. Users of the database, found on the Parks and Wildlife website can determine what plants will be the most beneficial to wildlife, which are best for a certain soil and what plants grow better in the heat of the Texas sun ... 17 -- Trying to get people to plant more wildlife-friendly plants, rather than a lot of exotic species. We're trying to get people to find other alternatives for lets say, grass species in their lawn, or we're trying to encourage people to xeriscape more, use more native plants that use less water." To learn more about the Texas Plant Information Database, log on to our website, at That's our show for today ... with funding provided by Chevrolet ... building dependable, reliable trucks for more than 90 years. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:36.0 Maximum Script time: 0:49.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25