TPW TV -- NEW SEASON: There's a season for everything, and for the TPW PBS TV show, that season is now ... details on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Fall is when television series air new shows, and Texas Parks and Wildlife's PBS television series is no different. The new season begins this month; series producer, Don Cash has details. 63 -- Our show has been going for a little over 20 years; I'm not sure exactly how many. But what we've been doing every year is really focusing on conservation, and land use and land management, and taking care of what we have here in Texas. This season is going to be no different. We do a little hunting and fishing -- we're really not a hunting and fishing show -- but when we do it, we're going to sneak in a little education, let people know how these resources are doing and how hunting and fishing actually helps manage some of those resources. We've got a lot of different things coming up. One of the things we're going to have this year that we've been having the last few years, are short features on our LSLS award winners. And these are people who are just doing phenomenal things with their land. One of the things we're going to do is a youth duck hunt on the Katy Prairie. Part of what these kids get in the course of a weekend, is hunting ethics and land ethics, and a part of what they're teaching these kids is conservation of this land. You can catch the TV show on Texas PBS stations, so don't miss it. Thanks Don. That's our show ... we receive support from the SFWR Program ... working to increase fishing, hunting, shooting and boating opportunities in Texas ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:63.0 Maximum Script time: 0:22.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25