HUNTERS FOR THE HUNGRY, 1: Help feed the hungry this deer season ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas More than a million Texas families don't have consistent access to proper nutrition. Texas hunters who participate in the Hunters for the Hungry program help to feed them. 10 -- Most of the recipients of the meat are agencies that have some sort of feeding program, whether it's a food pantry, a soup kitchen, or some type of food distribution. Anitra Hendricks coordinates the program, and says donating your harvested deer is easy. 24 -- The hunter would have to find a participating meat processor that works with the program -- we have several located across the state. Once they locate the meat processor, they take their deer in. There is a reduced processing fee which normally averages between $30 an d $40, they pay that feel, they'll receive a receipt from the meat processor, and from that point on the meat processor will handle the actual processing and donation of the animal. Feeding programs around the state receive packages of the donated ground venison to distribute to their clients, or to use as an ingredient in soups or sauces they serve directly to hungry Texans. Last season, hunters donated nearly 168-thousand pounds of venison to the program. 13 -- In terms of quarter-pound servings, it serves 671, 360 servings. There were approximately 100 agencies that received the meat across the state of Texas. Find a list of participating processors on our website: That's our show ... the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration program supports our series ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:47.0 Maximum Script time: 0:38.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25