TROUT STOCKING: The only thing you'll find at the end of this rainbow is a hook ... details on Passport to Texas. This is passport to Texas The annual arrival of colorful, fun-to-catch rainbow trout gets underway this month and continues through March. 02 -- They're a good fish to catch and a good fish to eat. Carl Kittle oversees the TPW trout-stocking program. This year they'll distribute 285-thousand of the fish. 12 -- Each winter we try to create an opportunity for fishermen. Right now we're doing over a hundred and twenty sites, with rainbow trout being stocked almost all over the state. It gets too hot in Texas to support a natural population of rainbow trout, so anglers have to get 'em while it's cold. 11 -- You can catch them with live bait. You can catch them with corn or some other bait; and certainly, they're great on spinners and even fly-fishing. What about a cane pole? A cane pole and a worm is one of the best ways to catch trout. Kittle says although relatively easy to catch, rainbow trout can offer a challenge to anglers. 11 -- In that they are aware of people above the water, and they can see out of the water if the water is clear. So, sometimes you have to be a little bit cautious about letting the fish see you from above while you're fishing. Maybe it would help if you disguised yourself as a hunter. Find the trout-stocking schedule at the TPW website. That's our show ... with support from the SF Restoration Program ... helping to fund fish hatchery management and operations in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:39.0 Maximum Script time: 0:46.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25