CONSERVATION ACTION PLAN: How a horned lizard is helping Texas' non-game species ... on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Ninety percent of the 12-hundred vertebrate species in Texas -- that's including fish -- are non-game. 04 -- It doesn't even include all the invertebrates that we have. Invertebrates are estimated at 50-thousand. Matt Wagner, deputy Director for the Wildlife Division at Parks and Wildlife, says hunting and fishing license sales support conservation of game species and their habitats. 13 -- When you talk about non-game, and the species that aren't hunted, there's a lack of funding there. Although hunters have been paying for habitat work, we need to expand the number of folks that are contributing to conservation through their pocketbooks. There are several ways for Texans to do that, and one way Wagner suggests celebrates a spiky Texas icon. 08 -- if you buy a horned lizard license plate for $30, $22 comes back to the agency to do non-game programs. Sales of the horned lizard license plate generate between a quarter million to 300-thousand dollars annually. 12 -- We take that money, and then we leverage it with grants that come from the USFWS into the agency so that we can implement our Texas Conservation Action Plan. Tomorrow: projects and species that benefit from Texans' purchase of the conservation plate. Our show receives support from the Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program ... funding the private lands and public hunting program. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:37.0 Maximum Script time: 0:48.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25