HUNTING DOGS: Man's best friend is also a great hunting companion ... details on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas It's December, and that puts us in the middle of various hunting seasons in Texas. If you're a bird hunter, you won't want to miss the TPW PBS TV series this month. Series Producer, Don Cash. 60 -- One of the stories we're going to do in the month of December is about hunting dogs. They're going to talk about how important a dog is to a hunter. Once you've had that good dog -- whether it points, or flushes, retrieves -- there is no fun in hunting anymore for birds without a dog. One of the really cool things in his story is watching a dog do something called roading. There. The bird stopped. She stopped. So now she isn't creeping. She isn't roading, because the bird isn't moving. She's doing exactly what she needs to do. To me it's like sitting back and watching a painting being made. I'm sitting back watching my dog out there -- that's the brushstrokes. She's out there making a good retrieve, and it's like art in motion. And it's beautiful. One of the things you'll learn in this story is not to use the term "fetch" when you want to send your dog out. We use the dog's name to send the dog on the birds. If you're hunting with many of your buddies, and they all have dogs, and if you share a common command, say, fetch, all three dogs could go. And that's not good. So, take a look at this story and watch the dogs work. They're just absolutely beautiful. Thanks, Don. Log onto the TPW website for a schedule of shows and where they air. That's our show ... with support from the Wildlife restoration program ... providing funding for the Private Lands and Habitat Enhancement Program ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:60.0 Maximum Script time: 0:25.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25