WATER DOCUMENTARY: THE GULF: Telling the story of the Gulf of Mexico ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas I had a chance to sit down with Lee Smith last month. He produces the water documentaries for Parks and Wildlife. 06 -- The next water documentary is going to be on the Gulf of Mexico. That's kind of like saying "the universe" in many ways. This is the fifth water documentary in the series; and as Smith says telling this story is no small feat. 15 -- It's probably the largest scope for a water documentary that we've attempted so far -- which is one of the things I'm grappling with. We're going to try and describe what makes it so unique and so valuable to protect. Nearly a year and a half into his planning and filming, the British Petroleum oil spill dominated the news and gulf ecosystem. 18 -- I'm not going to try to retell the story of the oil spill. And in many ways, what it does is it affords us an opportunity to discuss in a much more relevant way the kind of contention between the ecology and the economy. We'll have more on the upcoming documentary tomorrow. The Gulf of Mexico water documentary airs early next year on PBS stations across Texas. At the time we produced our show, the exact date was unavailable. We receive support from the SFWR program ... working to educate Texans about conserving water for humans and wildlife ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:39.0 Maximum Script time: 0:46.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25