TPW TV -- GEOCACHING: Finding hidden treasures in state jewels ... details ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Armed with coordinates, a GPS unit and the spirit of adventure, you and your family can find hidden treasure in state parks when you go Geocaching. Learn more this month on the TPW PBS TV series, Producer, Whitney Bishop. 57 -- In our upcoming show, we follow our outdoor education director, Chris Holmes, and he's actually out geocaching with his three young children. It's fun And it's sort of like a mystery, like the Hardy Boys. It's a fun way to go exploring, and a great activity for families. And so we looked for a cache that was pretty close to the trail so they didn't have too far to go. It's this way, daddy. It's important to keep to the trail until you're close to the cache. Our GPS has taken us to about 10 feet of the cache; it's up to us now to find it. I found it! Now that we found it, we'll collect our treasure. A magnet ... and leave something for the next geocacher to find. What I'd like people to take away is how easy it is to Geocache, and especially now that you can use your smart phones, you really don't need to invest in any new equipment. And, it's a great activity for families; a lot of people go to our parks, and maybe they're mot sure what to do with their kids. So, it's a great way to get kids outdoors, and they'll actually learn something. You don't have to tell them that, but they will. Find details about how to get started geocaching at That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:57.0 Maximum Script time: 0:28.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25