WATER DOC, 2:The Gulf of Mexico [" ... places in the world."] ... find out why on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Dr. Larry McKinney isn't shy about sharing his affection for the Gulf of Mexico. 19 -- It is one of the most beautiful places in the world ... when you get out into the gulf, be it in the Laguna Madre, or the coral reefs of the Flower Gardens, or the Florida Keys, or the area off the Mississippi River where you see huge pods of whale -- we even have giant squid. It's an incredibly beautiful place, biodiverse and productive. It's a hidden treasure, and it's well worth our protecting. McKinney is the Executive Director of the Harte Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies, at Corpus Christi, Texas A & M, and appears in this month's hour-long TPW PBS documentary The State of the Gulf-America's Sea. 14 -- I think this upcoming documentary on the Gulf, will give individuals a framework to learn about the Gulf, and will hopefully pique their interest to go and learn more. But it's a wonderful coverage of all the aspects of the Gulf of Mexico that makes it important to all of us. These aspects include environmental, economic and recreational value. To fully understand and appreciate the resource, you have to engage the Gulf. 14 -- Go fishing, boating, swimming. Go to the beaches, go to our parks that surround the gulf -- certainly there are some wonderful ones here in Texas. Get out into that environment, and you'll see why it's worth protecting, and I think you'll take the actions that are necessary to make sure we have it, not only for us, but for our kids. The State of the Gulf-America's Sea airs on most TX PBS stations February 24, Check your local listings. That's our show ... with support from the SFWR program ... supporting conservation efforts in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:47.0 Maximum Script time: 0:38.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25