LLANO RIVER: It's all on the table when trying to save Texas' state fish...Coming up on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas The Guadalupe bass has been on the decline for many years, and it's time to use everything we've got to keep the state fish in our rivers ... starting with the Llano River in central Texas. 07 -- The south Llano is in pretty good shape, but it has its issues as all do. Texas Parks and Wildlife Director of Watershed Policy and Management Gary Garrett says in the past, biologists have stocked rivers with the Guadalupe bass. Now, they're combining that with other methods, including working with landowners to create a more sustainable habitat. And all this isn't just for the fish. 10 -- It's working with landowners and getting them to understand that if they'll do A and B and quit doing C, or whatever, not only will that help the Guadalupe bass, but it will help them. Texas Parks and Wildlife fish biologist Tim Birdsong says that's because both fish and people like healthy rivers. 12 -- The areas that Guadalupe bass are found in are these beautiful, pristine country streams, and also the recreational value of the bass is fairly high. In other words, good land management protects the bass and can lead to healthier ecosystems, prettier landscapes and better fishing for all Texans to enjoy. That's our show ... with support from the SFWR program, providing funding to conserve habitat for Texas sport fisheries. For Texas parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:29.0 Maximum Script time: 0:56.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25