CATTLE DRIVE: Always dreamed of taking part in a cattle drive ... your chance...ahead ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas The good old days of the old west are closer than you think, as our State Park Guide, Bryan Frazier explains. 63 -- Out at BBRSP, people can still do an authentic, four-day cattle drive with the longhorns and some of the most majestic scenery that we have in Texas anywhere. And it's coming up in April, and it's fantastic, and we have some availability. You know, you need to know what you're getting into; your going to really be doing the trail ride, you're really going to be moving the longhorns, and there's going to be food out on the trail -- the chuck wagon -- it's the whole experience of a cattle drive. People who go say they love it. It's like being in the movie City Slickers for real. So do you have to have any background in cow poking or horse riding? It's better if you're comfortable in and around horses and realize that you're going to be in the saddle for quite a while during each day, it's not easy or for the faint of heart. But, for people who want an adventure and want a chance to get out -- this is your chance. How do they sign up? Advanced reservations on this are a must. So they can call the park directly at 432-358-4444. Thanks, Bryan. Find more information at That's our show ... For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:63.0 Maximum Script time: 0:22.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25