FISHING IN STATE PARKS: For the cost of admission, you and your family can fish without a license in state parks ... details ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas You want to take the family fishing, but maybe time is tight -- or funds are tight. No worries. Our state park guide Bryan Frazier says your family can fish for free at state parks. 62 -- No one needs a fishing license as long as you're inside a state park. Our free fishing in state parks program is something that we've done and is one of the most popular decisions we've ever made. We also have events: everything from fishing derbies to kids' fishing tournaments, to fishing with a ranger, to learn to fish classes. All over the state. Wherever you are. Chances are there's a state park near you and chances are there's a fishing event happening this summer for you and your whole family. If you're inside a Texas state park, you don't need a fishing license or stamp, or anything like that. Whether its freshwater or saltwater, if you're on state park property, we want people to fish and enjoy that -- we want you to take kids fishing, and share that, so that down the road -- in the future -- maybe they'll take their kids and so on. And just flat out, we don't want people to miss out on what fishing can be in the state of Texas. And that is: enjoyment, peaceful scenery, and time spent together that you really can't find in other ways. Thanks, Bryan. That's our show for today ... with funding provided by Chevrolet ... building dependable, reliable trucks for more than 90 years. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:31.0 Maximum Script time: 0:54.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25