TEXAS OUTDOOR FAMILIES: Learn the ins and outs -- especially the outs -- of the outdoors ... on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas If you've spent more time in front of a computer than a campfire, and want to change that for yourself and your kids -- The Texas Outdoor Family Program can help. Bryan Frazier has details. 54 -- Up to six people for a weekend, for $65, can learn basic outdoor skills: how to pitch a tent, build a campfire -- do all of those things that make those outdoor experiences so great. Things that maybe we did a generation or two ago, that have kind of gotten lost. And so we've got expert guides that will help you and teach you all of these basic outdoor skills -- for you and everybody who's with you -- up to six people. Check our calendar for the Texas Outdoor Families. And it's at state park all across the state. It's a fantastic way to get comfortable in the outdoors. To take your kids and show them that we can leave the TV behind and the video game behind for a little while and still get outside and have a great time. And Texas Outdoor Family breaks down some of those barriers when people aren't comfortable, or don't know those basic outdoor skills. We provide the tents, we provide the expertise, and all the other equipment that people will need in our Texas Outdoor Family program. You just bring sleeping bags, food and personal effects. That's our show for today ... with funding provided by Chevrolet ... building dependable, reliable trucks for more than 90 years. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:31.0 Maximum Script time: 0:54.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25