SHELDON LAKE OBSERVATORY: Reaching new heights at this Houston area state park ... details ahead on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Looking to reach new heights in your state park experience? You will do just that when you visit Sheldon Lake State Park. Our State park guide, Bryan Frazier explains. 56 -- it's right in east Houston. And you have this oasis of nature preserve with an environmental learning center. There's great fishing. There's a 12-hundred acre reservoir, and it's all on the part property, but the real news here lately is we've got a new observation tower. Great for birding and great just to see the views. You can see all the way down to San Jacinto Monument in one direction, and all the way to the Houston downtown skyline in the other. And you've got a good view of the 400 acre preserved prairieland that we have there. But this was something funded with donations -- all of it was. So, no state dollars, no tax dollars were used in the construction of this. And that's something that's very important with the economy that we're in. We're able to provide this service and this unique perspective of Houston and further encourage the things that are popular there, with something from donations. And that is the John Jacob observation tower, which is having its grand opening this month at Sheldon Lake State Park. Thanks, Bryan. That's our show for today ... with funding provided by Chevrolet ... building dependable, reliable trucks for more than 90 years. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:56.0 Maximum Script time: 0:29.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25