STATE PARKS: DRAWN HUNTS: State parks offer diverse outdoor opportunities including hunting ... we explain on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Hunting is not what most people think about when they pack up the car and head to a state park. However, many Texas State Parks offer diverse hunting opportunities, as our state park guide, Bryan Frazier explains. 50 -- There are numerous state parks that offer drawn hunts, and they may draw 25 hunters and only get 200 applicants, so your chances of success are good. And we're talking about everything from antlerless to javalina to unlimited exotics and feral hogs to either sex deer ... and so people need to find that booklet or go online and find that information about getting in on the draws on public lands in state park. And, they can specify by park which one they're interested in. So, I really encourage people to look at the hunting opportunities in state park. Because, it is also a way that we can manage the resource; It is a valuable way for us to make sure that our populations of wildlife are in balance and in check that work well with campers and birdwatchers and everything else that we like. it is a balance, and so this is one way to help manage that. Find information about drawn hunts when you log onto the Texas Parks and Wildlife website. That's our show for today ... with funding provided by Chevrolet ... building dependable, reliable trucks for more than 90 years. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:50.0 Maximum Script time: 0:35.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25