HUNTER ED VOLUNTEERS: Volunteer to train future hunters. Learn how ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Since 1971, teaching new hunters the basics of the sport is no longer the sole responsibility of family members -- new hunters of a certain age must earn certification. 05 -- Basically it's anyone who's born on or after September 2, 1971; They have to take the course. The course is hunter education. Terry Erwin oversees the hunter education at Texas Parks & Wildlife, and says volunteer instructors are the backbone of the program. 07 -- Many of the individuals have gone through the Hunter education course themselves, and found out that they really wanted to give something to the sport. Volunteers also save taxpayers a nice chunk of change in the process. 07 -- If you put a dollar value on it, probably in volunteer hours and things like that, way exceeding half a million dollars. The volunteer aspect goes beyond the classroom; these dedicated instructors also take on mentoring roles. 12 -- We always encourage every instructor to take at least one or two youth hunting each year that they train. That starts a mentoring process in which that student goes out under the training and guidance of an experienced hunter. Learn how to volunteer by logging onto the TPW website. The Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program supports our series and works to increase fishing, hunting, shooting and boating opportunities in Texas. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:31.0 Maximum Script time: 0:55.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25