STATE PARKS -- VEHICLE REGISTRATION: Vehicle registration is where the rubber meets the road for state parks ... Details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Once people started driving, they journeyed cross country, and state Parks offered them respite during their travels. It seems fitting that beginning in 2012, car owners will be able to make annual donations to maintain these natural treasure when they register their vehicles. Our State park guide Bryan Frazier has details. 54 -- Beginning January first, two thousand twelve, the program will begin that people can opt in for a five dollar donation -- or more -- that benefits state parks. And Texans have historically rallied around state parks and shown their support for it and there's loyal following. And we just simply couldn't make it without our park volunteers and the way people voice their support for our parks; and this is one more way that they can do that. And that's coming in January. Check down at the bottom, and you can opt in for a five dollar donation or more. And that money directly benefits state parks -- just like when you pay your entrance fees, or your camping fees, or buy a souvenir in the gift shop at a state park, that money directly benefits park. And we need people now -- maybe more than ever. We've got 1.6 million dollars that we have to make up with this particular program, so we want to get the word out and let people know this is their chance ... again as they've historically done ... and answered the call and helped support state parks. Thanks, Bryan! That's our show for today ... with funding provided by Chevrolet ... building dependable, reliable trucks for more than 90 years. We record our series at The Block House in Austin. For Texas Parks and Wildlife I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:54.0 Maximum Script time: 0:31.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25