TPW TV -- LSLS: Honoring the landowners who conserve Texas resources ... details on Passport to Texas This is Passport to Texas Texas landowners who take extra effort to conserve and improve their land. Meet some of them the agency honored with the Lone Star land Steward Award this month on the TPW TV series. Producer Alan Fisher. 60 -- Coming up in November, we'll visit a different a LSLS Award winning ranch each week, including the Leopold Conservation Award Winner -- the Temple Ranch in South Texas. There's a good number of hens, and there's a flock of about 15 males. The Temple Ranch, particularly appropriate for November, they have amazing turkey habitat. The turkey have rebounded amazingly on their ranch, thanks to the things that they have been doing. We do a variety of things to manipulate the habitat. We do a lot of roller chopping, disking, shredding ... One of our most important tools is prescribed burning. It really helps forbes and grasses and brush control to a point, too. I think one thing that a viewer could take away is that whether it's a very small property, or a huge ranch with many thousands of acres, there are little things that really do add up to make property better places for wildlife. The temple Ranch segment airs the week November 6 through eh 12th. If you happen to miss these segments on the TV show, you can also view them on our Parkws and Wildlife YouTube channel. Thanks, Alan. The Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:60.0 Maximum Script time: 0:25.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25