TPW TV -- LOST PINES: A lost pines experience and eating desert plants ... we'll have details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Because of damage from wildfires, Bastrop State Park remains closed to visitors, but a smaller nearby site is taking up the slack. Learn about it on the TPW TV show. Series producer, Don Cash. 63 -- Thirteen miles down the road, Buescher SP, they are open; they were unaffected by the fires. If you want to come experience a little bit of the lost pines like you could over at Bastrop SP, we have plenty of those here. We have some really great fishing opportunities. The fisheries department came out and put about 900 pounds of catfish in, so I know they're pretty hungry by now. Just about everything you can get at Bastrop, you can get at Buescher right down the road. Another segment that's going to air during the December 4-10 show takes us out to the Chihuahuan desert where there are some surprises in the plant world. Yeah, we're going to visit with David Long who works out at the Barton Warnock Environmental Learning Center. He's going to show us some desert plants that people think are pretty and like to avoid, but he's going to show us some other uses for them, including food. Here's one of my favorite cactus. Every spring it's covered with purple magenta blooms, and right after that it starts putting on fruit. When the fruit is ripe, it's a race between javalinas and humans to see who's going collect the most of it. If you happen to miss the show, you can also catch these segments on our YouTube Channel. Thanks, Don. Check your local listings. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti Total sound bite time: 0:63.0 Maximum Script time: 0:22.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25