FRESHWATER MUSSELS 3: Spot Texas while it builds mussels ... we explain ahead on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Just as we're physically weaker when we lose muscle, freshwater ecosystems weaken when they lose their mussels. 14 -- They're a very important part of the aquatic ecosystem. They're the foundation. I like to call them the vacuum cleaners; their main diet is bacteria and other small particles. They're the filtration systems of the rivers, lakes and ponds. Texas Mussel Watch coordinator, Marsha May, says one species of Texas mussel is on the federal endangered species list. US Fish and Wildlife is considering listing additional species of freshwater mussels. 03 -- We'll see what happens in the next three to five years. You can help keep track of these important species as a member of Texas Mussel Watch. 24 -- Texas Mussel Watch is a program designed to get citizens involved in monitoring freshwater mussel species throughout the whole state of Texas. We hold workshops normally in the springtime. They can learn about freshwater mussels. Once they've gone through the workshop, they can be put on my scientific permit, and then go out and monitor mussels within their own community and give us information on what they find, because it's very important information. Find information about mussel watch on the TPW website. That's our show with support from the SFWR program ... funded by your purchase of fishing and hunting equipment and motor boat fuel. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:41.0 Maximum Script time: 0:44.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25