FLY FISH TEXAS: Fly fishing -- part sport, part art, and all fun ... learn how [05 -- in the same day."]. Details ahead on Passport to Texas ... This is Passport to Texas If you put "learn to fly-fish" on your list of New Year's resolutions, here's your chance cross it off. On March 10, the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center in Athens offers a day of fly-fishing for rainbow trout. 18 -- it's completely fine if you've never fly fished before. We're going to have volunteers from fly-fishing clubs from all over Texas. Some 80 to 100 volunteers to work with small groups and one-on-one just to teach everyone who shows up all about the different aspects of fly-fishing. James Booker is events coordinator for the center. Called Fly-Fish Texas, the daylong event attracts hundreds of eager students and enthusiastic teachers. 32 -- We have the fly-fishing clubs from all over the state so heavily involved, and so they descend on this site en masse -- and are just eager to share their passion or fly-fishing. We also have some of the top fly-fishing equipment makers come and share their latest technologies and their latest poles and rods. We have up to 20 guest fly tiers, and so we convert one whole building of our center into what we call fly-fishing round up. It is basically just a giant fly tying lesson. Equipment is provided for casting classes, but participants are welcome to bring their own gear. Fly Fish Texas at the TFFC in Athens, is from 9 to 4, March 10. It's family friendly with various activities and food available on site. Find complete details on the TPW website. The Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program supports our series. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:50.0 Maximum Script time: 0:35.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25