1OHV 2012: Taking your two and four wheeled fun off road ... on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas 08 -- Texas has more off highway vehicles than any state other than California. California also has more room for these off highway vehicles to roam. 06 -- They have 132 legal venues on public land, and in Texas we only have about 20. Steve Thompson manages the off highway vehicle program for Texas Parks and Wildlife. 09 -- The Texas OHV Program was created by the Texas legislature to provide a managed program for off highway vehicles as a sport in Texas. He works with communities to identify and develop land suitable for safe, legal off highway vehicle recreation. Money for the development comes from grants and the sale of an annual off road vehicle permit/decal. 25 -- Over the last six years we've helped create legal venues in the City of Childress. We gave them grant money to buy land and build the infrastructure in that park. It's been open now for about five years. We've done the same thing for non-profit like the Texas Motorized Trails Coalition. They've created a park up near Tyler called Barnwell Mountain. And they're working on their second park near Ozona, a venue called Escondido Draw. The goal of the OHV Program is to create safe, legal, parks where families and friends can enjoy their off road vehicles. Find more information on the Parks and Wildlife website. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:48.0 Maximum Script time: 0:37.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25