TPW TV -- THE CRAPPIE GUYS: One fish ... two men ... some learning and lots of fun ... details on Passport to Texas. This is Passport to Texas Crappie is a fun fish to catch, and a tasty fish to eat. This month on the TPW TV series, meet two men, in a story called the Crappie Guys, who use the fish as a teaching tool and as a way to bring families together. Series producer, Don Cash. 61 -- We focus a little bit on a guy named Tommy Tidwell, who is a High School science teacher in Georgetown. Tommy's also a part- time fishing guide for crappie at Lake Granger. So, for Tommy, crappie are not just a fish to catch, but they're also something that helps him in his science classes. Here's a parasite. Who's got some tweezers? Here you go. Is he moving? Yeah, he's moving. Look guys. Ewwww. The other crappie guy is Wally Marshall who lives up around Dallas. He is also known as Mr. Crappie. Wally had been, in the past, a fishing guide, but now he's sort of a crappie entrepreneur. The main thing Wally does is every year he puts on a family friendly fishing tournament called the Mr. Crappie Big Crappie Classic. The fish is a bonus actually, but spending time in the outdoors is really what it's all about. The whole point of catching crappie is to take them home and eat them. Our very own TPW boating safety director, Tim Spice, cooks up some crappie. And I can tell you from experience Tim does a great job -- they tasted wonderful. Thanks, Don. The show airs the Week of March 18. Check your local listings. For Texas Parks and Wildlife ... I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:61.0 Maximum Script time: 0:24.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25