FISH HATCHERIES, 1: Why do we stock fish in Texas [02 -- make fishing better.] ... Hey ... I was going to say that. And will ... on Passport to Texas ... This is Passport to Texas Millions sport fish found in Texas waters begin their lives at one of our state's five freshwater hatcheries. 16 -- We may stock fish to start fish populations in a new or renovated reservoir or water body; we may do it to supplement populations where natural reproduction isn't enough to sustain a population; we may do it to restore populations after some catastrophe where fish populations are diminished. Todd Engeling, Chief of Inland hatcheries for TPW. 05 -- We also do it to enhance genetic makeup of the fish, and really provide that trophy potential. Striped bass, hybrid striped bass, crappie and largemouth bass are some of the species bred in hatcheries. Although these facilities are "enclosed" environments, it doesn't mean they're immune from the vagaries of nature, such as drought. 20 -- All industry is tied to water. So during droughts our water supplies become diminished. And in some cases we're limited on what we can use based on some permit or contract, or an agreement with the permitting authority. In some cases, when water levels recede in reservoirs, then the amount of water we can draw for operations is reduced. And sometimes drastic action is necessary; details tomorrow. The WSFR program supports our series and is funded by your purchase of fishing and hunting equipment and motorboat fuel. For Texas Parks and Wildlife, I'm Cecilia Nasti. Total sound bite time: 0:41.0 Maximum Script time: 0:44.0 Suggested show time: 85.0 = 1:25